Project name
St. John's school
SKAD Arhitektid
Merko Ehitus Eesti AS
Year of construction
Kivimäe 25, Nõmme district, Tallinn, Estonia
The school family wanted to build their own "home" to offer school education to their children by valuing the learning environment. In three years, the idea came to fruition - the architecture of the school building was created by SKAD Architects, who fitted a light-filled, cosy and study-supporting school building under the pine trees of Nõmme, in Estonia. CES engineers helped take care of getting the idea to paper and production, and the elements were produced in Consolis' factories in Estonia and Latvia. A tight work schedule and specially shaped elements were produced with high quality and according to the customer's expectations. St. John's school building has been completed thanks to the excellent cooperation between the school family, the architect, the designer, the customer and the manufacturers.